Rainbow Bridge

Ziggy joined the Twilight pack in 2020. Apparently, a Spanish spaniel shitsu cross, the poor old lad was 13 years old and had experienced the death of his dad, then his mum going into a care home, and  then that … Read More

Jake 1
Rainbow Bridge

Darling old Jake, 19 years old, and his time to cross the bridge. What a wonderful few years we have enjoyed with this precious fella. Whilst we will miss him, we have a precious picture of him with his old … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Sweet old piggy Cooper. He could snort with the best of them. His pic was taken the day before he slipped peacefully away in his sleep, the last day of 2012. He wasn’t the most athletic fella, but he waddled … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

In June 2019, our darling big black fluff ball Beauty took her wings to the rainbow bridge. After 18 months of love we have all shared and her singing, quite second to none. She came through Association Orfee from Romania: … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Sadly, at the close of 2018 it was a farewell and goodnight to dear little Humphrey x Do you remember our handsome little mess of a blind friend, deaf due to ear problems and thirteen years old. He came from … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Not the first Great Dane to join the Twilight team, but our first harlequin.  She had lived in her last home for ten years and was twelve when she joined Twilight. We were delighted that the alternative of early euthanasia … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Found at the front gate. An ancient bag of bones and fur beneath the hedge, covered in ticks and fleas and a very grim bottom. Maybe 12+. Intact, hungry and horny!! No ID of course. We called him Bramble, as … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Louis and his brother came from Saintes SPA. We changed his name from Loulou to Louis. They were withdrawn due to maltreatment. A re-homing attempt sadly failed, and they also needed to be together. Some 18 long months in the … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear sweetie Lemon. An example of an oldie who comes just that little bit too late for us to help them over their ageing illnesses. Thanks to the wonderful volunteer, Sally, at Bergerac SPA, dear Lemon came to us for … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

As daddy says, he was so lovely, but noisy ! Darling Ben would latterly enter a room, then in his deep tones, woofette until Bear moved, so he could sit down. It was his thing … he did it even … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Filou joined the Twilight Outreach Puds at the age of 12 1/2, his mum had adopted him 5 years ago but sadly she has severe health problems now and a move to be close to her family means that Filou … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Taken in by Perigueux SPA, 12 years something and left on the streets. His eyesight was limited, hearing iffy but his little legs were quite able, and he settled to his new Twilight pudding life, making friends easily and just … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

This precious little bundle wasn’t so old when he arrived with us. As a local we knew this lads history. Eclair was taken into a family as a pup. He was this families second attempt at having a pup. He … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Bacchus had been taken to a vets in Niort to be put to sleep by his owner. Ok, getting on a bit, and blind, but he seemed in otherwise good health. Thanks to an SOS to Hope, we were … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Sweet tiny Edith was so very old, but a real fighter. Found wandering the streets of Bergerac, then rescued by Phoenix, this little bundle was just like a toast rack and not likely to last long. Six months later, and … Read More

Mr Fitchie
Rainbow Bridge

You can read Mr Fitchie’s full story in our biography: Paws Before Bedtime. At seventeen and a half, this poor lad was found exhausted and dying in a field. After an appeal on the DVN, Mr Fitchie went to Twilight … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Eric was a special Twilight Pudding who went to live with dear Lynne, a Twilight supporter. Here is her homage to a wonderful friend: When I gaze at Eric and I look into his eyes I see a Love so … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

An urgent case, M arrived a few days after New Year. Poor M’s dad had died alone on New Year’s Eve, collapsed in his home and haemorrhaged. M was found a few days later. Sixteen years old, blind, deaf, leaping … Read More

German shepherd
Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free now over the rainbow bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Didou came to us from the wonderful Mornac SPA, where he had been long abandoned. But a troubled lad at the SPA, we hoped Twilight would offer him a safe haven. It did for a goodly time, but then he … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Our biggest lump of love, darling Brigand finally relaxed and has been taken over the Rainbow Bridge. Can’t believe it was only short of 20 months ago he arrived. His tearful elderly owner just couldn’t cope with this stressed blind … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling old Robin. He really was so very ancient, and looked like he might live forever.  But his mind had long gone, with his teeth … but his desire to love his women pretty much stayed with him to the … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Azko arrived from the Cahors refuge: just over 11 years old, jolly wonky hips, trouble in his bottom department … and not castrated! He had clearly been much loved, and sadly his owner now passed, he needed a retirement bed … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free now over the rainbow bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Darling old Bella Dear Bella hasn’t been with us long, you will recall her owner died, and she with her two children and friend were taken in with Mornac Refuge. Three came to us, and Bella the oldest she seemed … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Ulysses has had to cross the bridge, pain had the better of him. The vets were as wonderful as ever. Popped him asleep and we were able to take care and time with the ultra sound. Tumours in both … Read More

Louis mudlark
Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free now over the rainbow bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Well, they don’t come more beautiful than dear Bella, what a teddy bear. This 10 years something bundle of fur was down as a mixed breed, came via Orfee, no longer wanted by her owners as she didn’t fit in. … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Alice was apparently the grandma to our handsome Caesar and Chloë. All three of them had the very worst life, and had been taken into the care of Saints SPA. They were all so ill-treated that they could not stand … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

What a beautiful photo, the sun is shining on you, the angel that you are. Found wandering the streets, Henri never asked for anything, just happy to be fed and loved. I can still feel you close Henri, don’t be … Read More

Wolfy Amadeus
Rainbow Bridge

Dearest Wolfy, we had the privilege of knowing him for just twenty days. A sad social services case. We didn’t think he would make the first night. But Wolfy pulled it from his boots, learnt to eat again, grew strong … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

This very handsome 14 year old apparently had a lifetime of maltreatment. Losing his hair to excess fleas, and so very underweight and pained in his hips. This old lad needed some feeding up and love. Thanks to the wonderful … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Arnie joined Twilight having lost his mum to cancer and he was clearly pining for her. He was a brave fella though, having lost his front leg to cancer several years earlier. Now though, secondary cancer had taken hold … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Velma joined us from the streets of northern France. This princess found her way into the heart of the lady who runs the Swiss Springer Spaniel rescue, but she couldn’t take her due to the legalities of no docked … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dr Taffy as he is known, was one of the first dogs that Mike and Leeanne rescued via Sue at PoorPaws way back in the early days. He was a small pup, who had been thrown over the wall of … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Nova, a lovely shepherd cross joined us when she was around eleven years old. It is likely that she had spent much, if not all, of her life on the streets of Romania. Losing a leg at some point, Nova … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Lulette came to us back in July 2016, thanks to Sharon at the kennels in Nontron. She had been left by your owners. Lulette never asked for anything, kept herself quietly to one side, but loved being loved, and that … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Run free sweet boy, over the rainbow bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Dear old Nella at 14 years old was rescued thanks to Phoenix. Her former life was all within just the turning space of a cage. So, bless her, here she just soaked up the space, chums and living. Sorry you … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Night night Billy What a precious old gent you have been Billy. When your dad died you came to us and then to outreach with Anne … you got her with those scrumptious eyes. Now in your 18th year, your … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

A huge chap handsome. His fur was so lovely and soft, and as you didn’t have to bend down far for a cuddle … you could have a real snug! Rex was 13 and in pretty good shape when he … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

What a jolly big fella this boy was. Rescued at four years old by a couple, and 10 when he joined Twilight. Sadly his mum has died and his dad wanted to move on. He was a bit sad, but … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

As you know, Twilight takes old and disabled dogs but sometimes we take younger dogs that have had their troubles and just need time. Darling Daisy was from the horrid Hell House pack. She was just a beauty on so … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear old Malt was called Maltess but we struggled with the mouthful. Delicious old lad, brought up from the South of France thanks to Les Amis who entrusted him to us, thank you. Thirteen years old and sadly his master … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xx

Rainbow Bridge

Dearest Charleston, Our loving bag of bones that had been dumped, he was so sad. Thanks to Phoenix Sally, this old and poorly boy came here for some love and to feel, I hope, a little better in himself. He … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

The wonderful Scooby j0ined Twilight in June 2016 at the age of 14. He spent his last years living in Twilight Outreach with Rowena and her band of tinies, including fellow Pud Norman. Sadly, Scooby went over the Rainbow Bridge … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Dana has been having a most wonderful time in her outreach family, with her mate Bounty, at our very own Wendy and her family x You might recall the sad situation that they came to us. Their dear mum … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Eddie’s plight was taken on by Asso En Route, and we were pleased to be able to help this gorgeous old man. He was an instant shadow for any human at Twilight, he just wanted to be close. He … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Darling little Malek. It was chance that Phoenix found you, sweet little six-month old chap and sent you to Twilight. You had spinal nerve damage, who knows how, who or where, but it left you at just six months old … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

The big beauty Memere is just a big softie. She’s a beauceron crossed with the heart of a teddy bear; eleven or twelve years old and no history other than left at the refuge. She is fully blind in one … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Just short of 4 years ago this princess was entrusted to our care. Mornac SPA had yet another unwanted dumped on them, nasty tumours needing urgently removing, which bless the SPA, they did. Gladys needed time, love and care to … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

We shall never know much about this Ooodle the poodle, except that his last few weeks that we were lucky enough to get to know him a little, clean him up and keep him pain free, were very special. A … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling CaesarDear sweet boy. How long have you been here? Years. How old were you? We will never know for sure …. But very old. Quite the most horrid early life, and thanks to Saintes SPA and Kate, you, your … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Chrissie, a beautiful apricot poodle. Daddy loved her so much. At nearly 19, she was tired and her kidneys had enough. But, she had such a grand time with us. I cannot recall how many lovers she had, and … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Little Roudee spent a while at Twilight and then left to spend his final four months with a loving fosterer, Jackie and her family. Sadly, he died of a heart attack, much loved and much missed.

Rainbow Bridge

Dear little Norman, one of our Outreach Puds … thank you to his outreach mum, Rowena x RIP Norman 23 years old, the last week saw a dramatic change he stopped eating drank profusely, struggled walking and slept 98% of … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Leo arrived in December 2020 -.look who has just arrived. Named Lelo, he has his history, but was sadly dumped like so many when they start to show the aging signs. French association Scooby took him under their wing … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

A sad loss of a former Twilighter. A big gentle soul, his owner died and he was bound for the refuge. We called him Gentleman because that is that he was: sweet-natured, handsome and just right in every way. Dear … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear, dear Dennis. This precious boy came to Twilight in 2014, thanks to special folks rescuing him from a life of being shut in a garage. He was mean – biting with insecurity. We loved him, but with gloves on! … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Poor little lamb, so many homes. Having been abandoned, she finally found a spot to settle. We thank you for choosing us, and we thank you for all your amazing love. So quiet, but always close. We thank Phoenix for … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

This old berger was one lucky fella, thanks to phoenix who took him off death row at Bergerac spa. He had quite the sweetest nature, but had been left and neglected, albeit on the streets or his former home. He … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xx

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Vicki. She came from Mornac if you recall, blind and deaf. Seventeen years old, sadly her heart was so weak, her very existence was her own effort. In the sun, she took her last breath in mum’s arms. She … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear precious little Vanille. Two-and-a-half delicious years my little lady. You came from the huge Saints SPA with little to no hair, already with a heart problem and just a sweet poppet, having been left on the streets. We are … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Nina was the first real Twilighter, saved by Sue from PoorPaws. She was pretty old when she arrived and had been at Twilight for three and a half years. Determined, her weak heart was not going to stop her running, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Night night dear Dankeur. What a love giant this lad has been. Rescued from the wonderful Les Amis, we welcomed the big man. Then, just as often happens, our outreach home, Philip, was ready for another pudding. It was a … Read More

Miss Chipie
Rainbow Bridge

Dear Miss Chipie, a wonderful JRT, lived her best life with best friend Millie, enjoying adventures all around Europe, including kayaking! Thank you to her outreach mum and dad for giving this little girl a second chance xx

Rainbow Bridge

Belle had already been a rescue before when her golden retriever daddy took her in. Sadly he is now too old to care for himself and has gone into a care home.Our outreach mum and regular volunteer here at Twilight … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Rocky joined Twilight from Mornac SPA. Being epileptic, he needed time, love, regular meds and the gentle way of living that he found here. Some of the puddings just grab you from the start, and he was one of those. … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

All our puds are precious, but dear Ben was especially so. He arrived, a bit wobbly from a recent stroke, but he was determined. He rallied, he smiled, he walked, he loved. The wonderful Borderline Collie group had stepped in … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

A big old deputy Doug of a fella, over ten years of age, left as a stray, and grim with epilepsy or mini strokes. Auntie Verity brought him to Twilight and where he received the best meds and care until … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Jacob was one of only two puppies found in a sack who survived being used as a football by gypsy children. He then went on to suffer from parvovirus. As a result of the kicking he endured he suffered hip … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dearest little Cannelle, Mum to pretty little Appy. I remember the day I collected them both from a very tearful lady who had separated from hubby, and her new flat would not allow little ones. Shiatsu, poodle crosses, these two … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

We were so sad at the passing of our special Vicki. Her heart murmur was severe for some months, but very sadly, due to a wave of kennel cough that swept through our home, due to an unforeseen infected newbie, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Melodie arrived in October 2016. Blind and diabetic, she was rescued by the Refuge Lannemezan – les potes a pouf. Melodie needed special food for her diabetes and daily insulin. After a wonderful year at Twilight, Iris, our alpaca spinning … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Battan was found for dead by a wonderful couple in the snowy hills of Eastern France. They sledged him home and warmed him up and saved his life without any doubt. Borderline Collie took up his plight and a search … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Bless her, Fudge was likely a chasse reject left to starve. A little fruitcake, but a happy one. That was until recent months when the serotonin to the brain was a problem and she would ‘turn’. Medication and behaviour changes … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Fonzy came up from Spain. Twelve years old, and sadly a casualty of his daddy dying and his mum not coping. He was one of 5 dogs left behind, with other animals, and without the help of friends and neighbours … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

In the photo, dearest Izzie is playing with golden Nelson, when she could play and move with ease. Her tumour grew too big, and she was too old for surgery – so it was time. You will hopefully join your … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

The saying that one door shuts but another opens happened for our Kate Potter – the sad passing of Nicky, tears shed but then another old soul found by the wayside. For the Twilight Outreach programme, it was time to … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Max, a spaniel cross, was found at the age of 2 wandering. Thankfully, the Amis Dignois des Animaux took him in but hold on to your hats 12 years before he came to Twilight.  Yep, for 12 years this guy … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

What a lump of a pudding he was. Noticed by two angels J&E, this old fella came from the SPA in Saintes.  Old, bit grumpy, needed his bits sorting … he just became a loveable old chap with a character … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

The gorgeous Vera from Sainte SPA was dumped there just over three years ago. Sadly, due to lumpy mammary tumours and a full house she would have not survived many days there. We just happened to be passing! Like you … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

We have sad news of our gorgeous outreach boy Versailles. A Twilighter for over two-and-a-half years, arriving a sad mess, he soon settled to pudding life and quietly shone. We loved him here, but a little overshadowed by so many … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xx

Rainbow Bridge

This handsome old chap joined the Twilight Team in June 2014 at nearly 10 years old. Rescue friend Veronique sort our help on this one, and we were delighted to be able to have room for this handsome chap. Seems … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

In early January 2019, the very handsome Reilly went off to a Twilight OUTREACH home. He had a stroke but lived out his days in a loving place xx

Rainbow Bridge

Hero, a 10 year old hound was abandoned at a refuge with the grimmest of ears, a grim set of lungs and 11 kilos under weight. Association Les Amis whisked him to a foster home. Then, as a birthday pressie … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Rescued along with several others from an old gypsy camp, this delicious old girl had been chained up and left under a dustbin for cover, terrible skin and very little fur, We were so pleased to help take Didi in, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

So old, so poorly and fragile. This little man only made three weeks with us, love him, but what a three weeks. He likely had chronic cushing’s disease and will have had some grim pain to reach the state he … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Twilight days are precious, and none have been more so than the time this very special fella has had with us. Darling Kaiser, we lost his battle with his nasty bowel problem, know he had all he could. At Twilight, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

All puddings are precious, but the little oldies really do get under your skin, and old Bertie was such a darling. He had been taken to the SPA at Limoges as a retired baiter. He was lucky to then be … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Old Sammy had a bit of a year.  His owner went into a Maison de Retraite and this poor dog got left in the garden.  Thankfully, holiday neighbours Carol and hubby have kept an eye on the situation and contacted … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Quite the Twilight character … you couldn’t help but look at him and smile.  His body quivered all over whilst waiting for his food, his wiggly bum around the garden! We popped into Saintes SPA, after the Hope booksale weekend, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

What a gorgeous little soul Narla was. Saved by Orfee when her owners had died, little Narla and her weepy eyes and big tummy tumour joined Twilight. Always perky and happy to the very end. Sadly, the tummy tumour grew … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Wise old Gillou never suffered fools gladly. Dumped in the street, he joined Twilight from the Saintes SPA in December 2014. His immune system was weak, and the operation site from the removal of a lump was not healing … … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Darling boy Joseph. Found several years ago, wandering the streets of Paris, so thin, so sad. The refuge he went too was so grim it had to be closed and all the dogs euthanised. Thankfully, a wonderful lady had spotted … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

This 14 year old Staffie was sadly the victim of domestic change. Having spent all his life with the one family, he joined Twilight to end his days. A sweet little chap, he made friends instantly, with Robin taking charge … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Some old puddings want for nothing but a place to lay their heads, are delighted that food keeps arriving, and can’t believe their luck that you stop by and cuddle them too. This was old Douglas to a tee.  Found … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Belle, only with us for a few short weeks in February 2022 Sad day, but we have had to let the beautiful Belle pass across the bridge. Sixteen years and a special soul, but the latest stroke wasn’t going … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Sweet Peypere has been growing fragile, but he was still determined to stay with his life long cherished friend Boubou. But Boubou knew his old mates time had come. Boubou has howled the last two nights, and as Peypere had … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

This picture is so appropriate to remember her by, as she loved to bury her head and sleep lots, bless her. Rescued by the wonderful Levriers & Co in Spain, and from a dire situation of a sad rehomed lady … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

What a little beauty we have here. This little lady was 12 when she arrived, and very sadly her mummy had died three months prior. She came from the SPA Limoges, where they tried very hard to rehome her. Sadly, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Rubis, 15 years old, was a very shaggy long nailed little puddle. Blind in the only one eye he had left, found abandoned. Thanks to the Mornac team he lived and joined us all snug here at Twilight. Night, night … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

A border collie, Fern had previously been neglected and came into Twilight care in 2019 at the age of twelve, suffering with a heart murmur and other age-related problems. After a wonderful life in outreach with our supporter Annette and … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

A very handsome twelve-year-old black lab found wandering in the Angouleme area. The wonderful SPA at Mornac took him in, located the owners, and you can guess the rest. A wonderfully gentle lad, bit underweight, several old hot spots, and … Read More

Daisy 2
Rainbow Bridge

Daisy pops arrived at the tender age of sweet sixteen having lived all her life with one family. So, a bit of a shock here. She had a stroke day one, but regrouped well, thanks to the swift intervention from … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

In his short life dear Bobby suffered at the hands of mankind. He was one very special young man. His injuries were as sad as you would expect, hence becoming a Twilighter. Both rear legs had been broken, the right … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Cayenne – named after the pepper – arrived on the eve of our tenth birthday. Rescued 12 years ago when she was two, she was 14 and in the way. We didn’t expect her quite so soon, but none of that … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Utah was likely twelve or thirteen years old when she arrived, maybe more given her clear rear limb arthritis and teeth. A border collie who has been much loved, but was clearly both grieving and stressed. Utah had some settled … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Nouni … our dear Nouni two-beds! Our dear old Nouni was in a bit of a state when he landed all those years ago. Already old, blind, deaf, thyroid and skin trouble and not many teeth! Bowed legged and a … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Manu, our lump of an old Griffon. Spotted in a corner at SPA Limoges, volunteer and friend Katarina asked if we could find space for the 13 year sad old man. Well what a podge, what a love, what … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Lucky joined us at 16 years old, and had a few homes in his life. His last owner had personal circumstances that meant she could not keep the little lad. He also had a short spell lost and in a … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Originally called Verti, dear Cinders arrived at the end of June 2021. This darling little Breton spaniel is just around 11 years old and blind. Being without sight the lovely Jane Marple (a rescue Association here in France – not … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

It is always sad when a pudding passes, but somehow seems even more poignant when the little one has been ill-treated. We always celebrate the loving time they have here, but somehow you wish you could have had just that … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

What a sweet little pickle was Voyou, a fourteen-year-old poodle whose owner had died. Thanks to Danielle, he was saved and became a Twilight pudding. Our dear Terry, Deb and Colonel collected him from south of Cahors, his journey quite … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Mimi was one of three that came to Twilight the same time. Nearly 14 years old, and with us over two years, our special girl has crossed the bridge in her daddy’s arms, with a little help from the … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Spaniels have become a bit of a weakness for us, so gorgeous in looks and manner.  So when you meet a grumpy old chap you know things are likely not so good for him.  This was true for old aka … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

It is with great sadness that we share the news that Castor has passed away. He had been struggling. We gave him every help we could, but after a hefty course of morphine the vet had no question in declaring … Read More

Petra (Pepette) & Pearl
Rainbow Bridge

These two older ladies met in Bergerac SPA, and their plight was taken on by the wonderful Phoenix. But, as all our canine rescue friends will know, homing two puds together doesn’t come easy. Mike and I felt they could … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Finette, 13 years old and saved thanks to Cahors refuge. Whilst thin, she regrouped pretty well, but sadly poor lass went into season. This unnecessary stress on her body weakened her heart and she wasn’t especially comfortable. The vet … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Those of you who remember our dear Pearl will know that daddy lost his heart to that precious lemon setter and then we had Opal who fell into our lives and took our hearts. Dear Opal was found wandering and … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Daisy – they don’t come much more black and curly, tiny and quiet. This sweet little old lady was left in a cardboard box outside a refuge; No id, so named Daisy by refuge team Mornac. She was blind, grim mouth … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Cahors refuge is a wonderful place and we were delighted to help them out from time to time. Medor, now Alfie, was one such handsome time. This 10 year old plus setter cross arrived safely at Twilight with the wonderful … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Beauty exemplifies the magic of Twilight. Thanks to Phoenix superstar Sally, the little lady (originally named Mavis) went to Twilight for some love, realistically knowing her time might not be for long. Dumped at the refuge, suffering from huge mammary … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Erapy (now Élodie, as we had trouble with our tongues!) was our 2022 Christmas Pudding! This beautiful old lady was 14 years old when she arrived as her owner became hospitalised full time. She was calm and loving but very … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Sweet dreams dear Molly. What a poppet you have been. A street girl in Bulgaria, saved by a lovely lady who did similar to us here. Sadly she fell ill, but was sure to home all her puddings before she … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Bonno, fourteen-and-three-quarters years old, came to Twilight in June, suffering the natural neglect of an elderly and sick owner. But he had known Love, and he came, sad and mystified. He settled. He regrouped. He learnt to trust and … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Quito’s owner died 20 months before he arrived at Twilight and a French family contacted us to take him … rather than, at 12, being put to sleep. He attached himself to Leeanne from day one, and spent his first … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Chocky came from the Cahors area, her owner going into a maison de retraite herself. Not a lot was known about poor Chocky, except she was an oldie – and her ears. Over the years her ears had never been … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Sweet Wesley, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxxx

Rainbow Bridge

This delicious old man had so much wrong with him, his enlarged heart was the biggest the vet had ever seen, enlarged prostrate, renal failure … no need to go on. He was entrusted to Twilight from the wonderful Mornac … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

A beautiful American Cocker, Nana and her darling Swann, came via the Hope Asso and spent two and half happy years at Twilight. The photo of her alone here is just after she arrived.  Thought even then thought to be … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

An urgent call from our Phoenix chums: a little lady needed a home and tlc, or would have no option but euthanasia. This princess was, like so many, left to fend for herself on the streets. Difficult to age due … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Sweet Dylan, a wonderful hairy fellow had been with Twilight for years. We took him with old Tumor and two others from death row at Carcassone (in the days before the wonderful Rowan had a no-kill policy at this SPA). … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Marmaduke didn’t have long with Twilight, but long enough to know he was loved. The sweetest little fella, who sadly had been got by a brain tumour. He was out of the SPA cage though and enjoyed grass, food, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Long-time supporters will know, from time to time we take in and care for puddings whose story we cannot really share in full for various reasons. This precious elderly lady was one such sad story. Deeply malnourished, untreated diabetes and, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Gorgeous Duke joined us via Cahors refuge.  This elderly setter’s owner suffered dementia and sadly forgot to feed him.  He was so gentle, but not too well. RIP little man

Rainbow Bridge

Billie arrived in August 2014 following an urgent call from our vet: could we help? Billie lived with two other woofers and human ma and pa. Three days previously her pa died and her ma is in special care. A … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

What a precious lump of love this girlie has been. You might recall my collecting her from Mornac SPA, more tumour than body, but she had so much love in her. She heaved her gorgeous body about, loved the pups … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

A little poppit, on arrival Chiqui was immediately the oldest Twilighter at nineteen. Chiqui was a Parisian girlie, having lived with her owner from a pup. The owner died and a neighbour kindly took the wee bundle in. However, after … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Nico hasn’t been with us very long, love him, 14 years old and losing his mistress was clearly a very sad loss for him. Blind and not so strong with his hearing he has done so well here. But … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Saved by Jelena in Serbia, chained to the roadside eating only what was dumped by the dustbin.  What a mess she looked. She made it to Twilight , but all too soon it was clear her life wouldn’t be long.  … Read More

Dick 2
Rainbow Bridge

Seventeen years old next March, this lad had lost his lifelong owner. He was old, wobbly, poor sighted and pained, with a deformed back right foot, likely due to severe arthritis, bless him. Within only a few short weeks of … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

A beautiful old golden lab, dumped and sadly on the euthanasia pile at Bergerac SPA, as old, not overly strong and no room in the inn. Thanks to Phoenix, this treasure, Naomi, was saved from death row, with her young … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

What a darling boy Harold was.  Rescued via Phoenix from a premature death row, we are thrilled he could spend a few months with us. Old but happy, this fella tottered on his aged and worn back legs. He did … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Brambles arrived with his GS best buddy Tara, who was 13 years. Brambles was 14. A gorgeous pair, who came to Twilight as their dear Mum was poorly. They just went from strength to strength – making new friends … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear old Beagly, aka Clafoutis. So sorry, her body could take no more. Dear Beagly came from Mornac. Brain tumour and epilepsy and a fist full of meds. The meds we changed with our vet after a short time, as … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Just six weeks here little Coco … but weren’t they the cuddliest! Daddy fell instantly for you the day auntie Kat brought you from SPA Limoges, where you were very sad and lonely. You were accepted straight into the pack. … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dougal was lucky to have literally been scooped up by Saintes SPA’s very own saint, Kate. Likely to be around 12 years old, and jolly wobbly. This lad had been left, abandoned … thin to the point that the return … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Otis the border collie was found wondering the streets of Perigueux five years before he arrived at Twilight.  The lad was taken to the SPA, who looked after him tremendously. But, at ten or eleven years old, this chap needed … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Edgar, a lemon setter, was six years old when he arrived at Twilight. His last known two years had been spent in a small grim caged environment with his own faeces. He stood for these two years calling for help. … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Agneta, Our Agnes, joined the Twilight Pudding Pack in May 2020. Our Agnes. This 50-odd kilos of hairy love arrived as an old girl of ten plus. She had been found, in Spain, wandering alone several years ago. Since then … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Sweet Emily arrived just before Christmas 2014. Painfully thin, feet rotting from standing in her own urine, tied to a tree, just left. Yes, it was a grim story, but she was found by a young man who bothered to … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Beautiful Ela, now well into her 17th year and so kind and gentle. Entrusted to us, as was her dad Malt before, from the lovely Les Amis des Animaux. Ela went into outreach 18 months ago and has had the … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Of course, we do not have favourite breeds … but we did once, and it was Golden Retrievers … and look who has turned up at Twilight. This handsome old chap … nearly 10 years old, is the absolute spitting … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Night, night dear old Skip xxx. Only here for four months, bless you. Apparently dumped and left, 19 years old according to his papers – hard to believe, but true. The poor lad had terrible arthritis in his hips, and … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Koki was stoic from day one with us, but the ear trouble, and his heart, both troubled him greatly, so having been on almost every pill possible to try to ease his pain and keep him being his handsome … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

A sad and unexpected goodnight to dear Bounty, an outreach pudding with our Wendy. What a star this old lad has been. His own character and so very happy in his world. Sadly, one weekend saw a very swift demise … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

And our beautiful light goes out …. Goodnight Darling Athena. Such a precious soul. Born with pretty much everything wrong, an overseas chipped Girly, dumped likely by her breeder? Who knows. But thank you to Angoulême SPA for rescuing her … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Justine had quite the grimmest life she had before us. Some stories it is best you do not know. Let us just remember this precious girl as overcoming pain and ill treatment and being so forgiving. Her tail never … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Ricky had a long journey to Twilight thanks to Orfee Association, who funded and supported the 12-year-old, handicapped pickle from Romania. His elbow and wrist of his front right leg were deformed, he had a horrid heart cough and was … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling old Batman was found wandering the streets of Perigueux. One eye, and a broken back leg that just waved in the breeze, they feared for him going into a kennel at the SPA, so he came straight to us, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Our vet doesn’t ask us too often to help out, so when he does we try to help immediately as we know it must be important. This totally blind precious golden girl had lost her owner. A not unusual story … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Belle came to Twilight at the age of twelve, taken into the vets to be put down as she was no use anymore. We all felt that Belle deserved something more. Three years. At fifteen the oldest girly at the … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Both benevoles and public drew Ralf to our attention, and the poor lad was on our list 5 long months from Limoges SPA. His turn came, and it would seem, very sadly, just in time. The SPA took the decision … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Vivaldi came to us from a grim background. He learnt to play a little, but deaf and tired, his old legs just gave up on him. We must feel blessed he enjoyed love and grass, and we are so … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Megan came to us from the refuge, as a stray of unknown but aged, background. Turned out she had been missing for some time and her mum had never stopped looking for her. Happily we were able to reunite … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xx

Rainbow Bridge

Poor old Dillon found himself an innocent victim for the second time in his life. Joining twilight at the grand old age of 13, he was rescued 6 years ago from a family breakdown situation. Sadly for everyone history repeated … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xxx

Farm puppy
Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

And what a fine old gent! Chunky, a French Bulldog just short of 14 years old. This little guy was mightily loved all his life, and whilst it is sad he has had to leave his family they clearly loved … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Luna, the shaggy bag that came from SPA Limoges. A fifteen-and-a-half year old lab cross was rescued by her life-long owner Mum as a pup from Limoges SPA. Mum sadly died, and whilst the son tried to keep her, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Basil joined us from Romania, via a wonderful organisation, Association Mukitza. Basil was originally called Balthier, but we struggled with it a bit and he didn’t respond too well (probably how we said it!). He was just five years old, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

At the time of his sad passing, old Elwood was one of our eldest inmates. Thought to be mid 18 years old, this very handsome and long legged friend had been growing weak for a few months. His last move … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

This old fella was 13 years old when he joined Twilight. Sadly, his owner died and the refuge at Narbonne kindly took him in. Thanks to young volunteer, Izzy, this little old lad won her heart and she looked to … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Bert came nearly 4 years ago. I remember it so very well, as Mike had had his first back surgery. I remember the lovely family whose garden he had chosen to wander into, a mess and starving. No chip … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xx

Rainbow Bridge

This old lad, 14 years old in January 2023, came from Limoges SPA, having sadly ended up there when his poor owner died in most unfortunate circumstances. The little man lived a wonderful life in Twilight Outreach before passing peacefully … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

When Boubou and Peypere came, thanks to some very special ladies in their village that saved them we all fell instantly in love. They had lived their lives together, they were inseparable. They loved each other close every day. When … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Chippie came to Twilight as a mere baby, and was a rather naughty rescue by Mike. She stayed only a few days and then off to Phoenix fosterers Jackie and Andy, all cleaned up, alive and well. Only a few … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

This 12 year old princess had an unknown history, but was saved by the wonderful folk at Carcassone SPA, and nurtured back to good health from mange. She was a whizzle nervous, but enjoyed Debs lap on her journey here. … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Seven and three-quarter years ago we met you little man, and your brother. Both of you, had already spent five years at the SPA Sainte. You had been rescued from severe maltreatment. So severe you were handed to me with … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Nala arrived here from Romania through a French Asso, in December 2015. She was my Christmas present. They had given her the name Life but, as I held her on arrival, she was a true gift, Nala (meaning gift from … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear 15-year-old deaf and poorly sighted Bahia. This little princess has come via Poitiers SPA, after an urgent request from her mum to find another home for her, having lost her own home. Sad situation. Bahia was kindly transferred here … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Dodie passed away in her daddies arms as they sat in the gorgeous winter sunlight. What a sweetie, so tiny, but already so much space needing to be filled by her wonderful happy character. She came from the North … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Sometimes folks contacting us to take a pudding is all in the timing. Beatrice was just that! We had a small window a few weeks before our 10th birthday, with no puddings waiting to come in and although we were … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

This dear thirteen-year-old lemon setter cross was found on the road and taken in and cared for by the wonderful Asso Auberge des Les Quatre Pattes and noticed by our Diana. She had a little heart murmur and sight issues, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Albert … we were not quite ready for you to go … but your body was. Three years you have been here, goodness. Part of the Twilight furniture my handsome one-eyed boy. A special Saints refuge oldie. Chunky and … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Holly was Twilight’s first disabled dog. A Bulgarian stray, she had been run over and left for dead at the side of the road. Brought to Twilight by the charity Twitchy Noses, Holly formed a very special bond with Leeanne. … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

What a most fabulous man he has been. Dear Mozart has crossed the bridge, but at seventeen to eighteen years old the boy done good. From the war zone streets to his comfy settee life here at Twilight. Then, he … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

A ten-year-old lady, a bit wobbly on her pins and epileptic, poor Cartouche needed a new home, and Borderline Collie took on her plight and Twilight was asked to help. Cartouche was on the waiting list some while, but after … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

After a grim life, thanks to Orphee and Hope, this fella had all the love, meds and food that a boy could ever wish for once he joined us. He had no back end, but he learnt to walk and … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

This beautiful black girlie was more delicious and special than any pudding bundle can get. We take a small percentage of puddings from the streets of Romania, and this 12 year old blind girlie had been on our list via … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Cappi joined us in May 2021, you can read his story in this blog post

Rainbow Bridge

Our darling Loulou Your funny shape, your broken leg, your rabbit like ways, those big eyes, what a poppit you have been. Much of your life was spent apparently in a rabbit hutch, and you never lost that sense of … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Former Twilighter, ex-outreach dog, Fred went to live his last days with Roy. Run free now, dear Fred, over the rainbow bridge xx

Rainbow Bridge

Previous pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xxxx

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Bless him, an irony, he came a year ago. He needed the vet’s help, as he had one last stroke too many. What a love he was. He came thanks to a caring citizen being aware of his plight. 12 … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Dear little teddy bear Holly. In her 18th year, blind, deaf and very little sense of smell. She came to us when her own family situation couldn’t keep her. Somewhat disoriented at the beginning, she soon mapped the house and … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Found nearly two years before she arrived at Twilight, in Cahors woodland, frail and near to death. Wendy and Stuart nursed her to life again, and she joined Twilight. Quite the most special girl. She took Tumour’s heart and they … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free now over the rainbow bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

This little man quite stole our hearts from the very first. The wonderful Les Amis had saved him, and sorted his horrid mange. We thank them for entrusting the fragile precious bundle to us. What a character. He loved his … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Lilly arrived at Twilight when we were fit to bursting. Twelve years old and a gorgeous Griffon. After a few days, she was quite happy to settle to a life on the settee! This princess had a good mind set, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Queenie was called Pirahna in Spain, where the poor love spent 11 years in a refuge … Yes, 11 years, and she was 11 years old when she arrived at Twilight. Thanks to Levriers and Co this poppit escaped. She … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Little Harley was not so old, sweet fella at six. He was likely a hit and run victim, leaving his backend paralysed. Whilst every effort was made to help him, and a variety of anti-inflams and painkillers, this little guy … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

This precious little fella came to us from Limoges SPA after his owner died. No chip, and anywhere between 16-20 years old, the hairy little man has done so well. Sight and hearing not at their best. He has loved … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

The darling of Sarijava (Romania), thirteen year old Bianca joined us with help from Balkan Underdogs once again. She was quite adorable. Gentle and calm, we adored her. Night Night Bianca 10.01.2016

Rainbow Bridge

It had been awhile since Twilight had an old poodle, so we were really pleased to welcome this 13 year old lad. He had sadly lost his dad, and the family were not able to keep him. We thank Mornac … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Steffi arrived in September 2020. A paraplegic, with a real zest for life. Sadly, only a year later Steffi lost her battle against infection, always a problem for our handicapable puds. You can read Steffi’s full story in this … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

Precious little Pudding, run free over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

Rainbow Bridge

An ancient lass who was with us over two years. Never asked for anything other than a tummy rub, and it was quite a size of a tummy, so took a while! She loved her bed, but twice a day … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Oh dear Fifi, 21 years old. She came to us years ago as a pensioner from Bergerac SPA, thinking it would be for a short end of life visit. Well, what a poppit. Very much her own girl, not especially … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

The Queen of Twilight, our regal lady of the tripod, Emie. It is with quite the saddest and heavy heart I have to share with you dear Emie’s passing. Her illness was quick, and only discomfort for a few days. … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Little old Boubou was a lucky old fella the day Phoenix rescued him from an early demise at the SPA. But old and fragile he was likely not to be with us overly long. Gutsy little man though, body far … Read More

Curly Floss
Rainbow Bridge

Well, we couldn’t leave her behind could we? This old little hairless pudding was in the same kennel as Megane … so she had to come. Again, from Sainte SPA, again just abandoned. It took a while to fathom why … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Tiny Vanae, in July 2017 13-year-old Vanae had her little world turned upside down. Her elderly mum had made the decision she couldn’t care for her anymore and was even considering euthanasia. Vets intervened, and the wonderful Phoenix stepped in … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Nicky was briefly, a Twilight Outreach Pud. At Saintes Refuge, Kate Potter saw her and her heart was shattered. Twilight is full to bursting – the final bed taken however there was the solution of her becoming an outreach pudding…living … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Darling Arty. You came to us when your owner locally died. What a poppit. You struggled a bit here though, as very much your own man and liking life on your terms. A bad heart, and latterly your sight going, … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

What a bundle of beauty you have been Sally. Looking like a little film star with your golden locks, and knowing only you were here when you gave your little ‘hoop’ of a noise at feed times (clearly a Spaniel … Read More

Young Shaggy
Rainbow Bridge

Following a very sad situation of their owner’s suicide, we took in two bereft little puddings. We had no names for them, so at first we called them old and very shaggy, and younger and just shaggy! These darling treasures … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Dear Precious was dumped at Tarbes SPA, where Les Amis took on her plight. About 13 years old and given the size of her poor teats she had been a mum many times. A precious girlie, very sensitive, but loved … Read More

Rainbow Bridge

Precious pudding, run free over the rainbow bridge xx