A ten-year-old lady, a bit wobbly on her pins and epileptic, poor Cartouche needed a new home, and Borderline Collie took on her plight and Twilight was asked to help. Cartouche was on the waiting list some while, but after a couple of days settled well. Sadly, no sooner had she arrived than the beautiful Cartouche left us. Leeanne and Mike were away at the wonderful Hope Book Sale weekend, leaving superstar Anne home sitting. Sadly, epileptic Cartouche took an odd turn, losing her back legs. Anne made her comfy, but soon the fits started, and the crisis became a severe cluster. Everything and more was done. Vet advice, and then vet visit. The severity of the fits needed a general anaesthetic to give calm and peace to dear Cartouche. Sadly, though this didn’t give the respite needed that might have brought her back to us. The vet came back at 8.30 in the evening, dear Cartouche’s brain had gone, it was time to help her body to pass. So very sorry, precious girly, we didn’t get to experience the good times. We shall never forget you, and we thank you for the love of just a few weeks. Bless you and be free now xxx