Darling Ulysses has had to cross the bridge, pain had the better of him. The vets were as wonderful as ever. Popped him asleep and we were able to take care and time with the ultra sound. Tumours in both the prostrate and bladder, pushing against each other. We were sadly left with no choice. The poor lad had fought it well, but he couldn’t hide it anymore. He hasn’t been well for some time. Trying all possible meds and hopeful options but it wasn’t to be. To his last eve he wagged his tail. Pinched some duck off a plate and smashing our helpers’ iPhone and finished it off with his one big front foot! Love him, he left this mark! He has been an absolute joy, and we thank Les Amis for entrusting this most handsome tripod to us for his last months. We shall miss you old friend, but we thank you for your love and wisdom. Run free now xxx