
Originally called Verti, dear Cinders arrived at the end of June 2021. This darling little Breton spaniel is just around 11 years old and blind. Being without sight the lovely Jane Marple (a rescue Association here in France – not a detective agency!) was contacted to help this stray who had landed a short straw SPA that if taken in would have been pts as she is ‘ugly’. Thankfully the lady who found her contacted Jane Marple, who in turn asked us. Sometimes rescue is about timing, and sadly having lost Cappi we had room in the inn.

This precious little lady was a very gentle soul. Blind from some kind of trauma rather than cataracts. She fitted in very well with her new Twilight buddies and enjoyed life exploring the garden. Dear Cinders, sadly left us to go over the Rainbow Bridge 27 December 2021.