Dear, dear Dennis. This precious boy came to Twilight in 2014, thanks to special folks rescuing him from a life of being shut in a garage. He was mean – biting with insecurity. We loved him, but with gloves on! We tried to rehome him, thinking a smaller pack would help, but his behaviour wasn’t any better. So our boy came home, and the slow healing process began. The biting turned to licks, and whilst he was always his own little man, he had learned to love and be loved. He was mildly epileptic, but again, the fits became less. His sight all but gone except for light change and close up. The old arthritis had got to his hips and his chronic condition was monitored and helped with pain killers and anti-inflammatory help. But at the beginning of 2018 he began fading fast. We had hoped he would slip quietly away himself, but his pain and hips were so fixed his little rear feet were starting to splay. His time had come, after four happy years at Twilight. We licked and loved each other to the very end. Rest now dear Dennis, thank you for all those years of your love and special character. You will be missed, and never forgotten my dear little friend.