Dear Bonno, fourteen-and-three-quarters years old, came to Twilight in June, suffering the natural neglect of an elderly and sick owner. But he had known Love, and he came, sad and mystified. He settled. He regrouped. He learnt to trust and love us. We adored him from day one. We had his anal tumour operated on. We managed his bleeds. He and Molly shared the washroom, he had his clean daily bed. He snuggled close and loved his cuddles. Tin his last three days his dear bottom suffered … diarrhoea in abundance! But also, trouble breathing. At the vets, it was clear. His liver was failing fast. And a tumour. We hugged, I kissed him from us all. This would be a shock to many, not least his daddy of the last six months, who sobbed from his hospital bed when I told him. Run free now our so very handsome Bono. What a joy to have known you. Thank you for you xxxx 9.11.2018