Nala arrived here from Romania through a French Asso, in December 2015. She was my Christmas present. They had given her the name Life but, as I held her on arrival, she was a true gift, Nala (meaning gift from the Lion King).
She was as any street dog with low morale, dirty and, having been shunted by a car, she was a paraplegic. Her back damaged, no movement in her lower limbs at all. She and I talked from day one through our eyes. She grew in confidence but was always wary of new people, she needed to get to know you and then she loved you.
We adapted Basil’s chariot, but she didn’t thank us. The position of her back damage made the trolley position most uncomfortable. So, we took to drag bags, and a water pool to strengthen her upper front legs. She created her own way of hopwalking – it was a joy.
When she was strong enough, in 2017 we pursued surgery to see if there was just the smallest chance of restoring some nerve damage. It took a year, but by 2018 her tail wagged! It was like magic. And she used her floppy back legs to positively zoom across the garden. Recently cut grass ,of course, and dry – Nala knew what she liked!
She was our queen. Every new pudding had to go through the Nala inquisition. She was really quite a minx to newbies. She did indeed see herself as top dog. But with her new speedy mobility came injuries. Her back left leg soon became infected, a combination of grazing and the beginnings of her urine infections. Not a problem for Nala; we amputated, and she was delighted. So much so, six months on the other leg was amputated. Now I appreciate this might all sound harsh, but for Nala and her mobility, we had learnt so much from Hollie and Basil, the vet was able to amputate just the right amount, leaving her with two mighty stumps.
Despite her infections from her bladder, now chronic. Nala and her stumps loved life. Chasing with Bear. Chatting with the goats and Alpacas and taking daily chats with the neighbours’ dog in the early evening. She had antibiotics galore, she had dressings and boots and socks and washes and the list goes on. Her zest for life made the caring for her a joy.
She was a joy. A princess to Queen. A grumpy minx, and a great ambassador for disabled dogs. Mike and I loved her deeply, as did her auntie Anne, and all those who got to know her a little better. Nala died last Friday afternoon. Her bladder had taken all the infections it could. Sadly, it ruptured, and her suffering was minimal. She died at home with us all around.
We will miss your mighty character and presence Nala Noo, but you will never be forgotten.
Thank you for you, for teaching us, and for your incredible friendship.