Darling Luna, the shaggy bag that came from SPA Limoges. A fifteen-and-a-half year old lab cross was rescued by her life-long owner Mum as a pup from Limoges SPA. Mum sadly died, and whilst the son tried to keep her, Luna barked at being left all day whilst he works. So, she arrived as a Twilighter. She settled easily and after a transformation made by dear Gloria, she was silky, delicious and just such a feel good spirit. Her hi and lower back area weren’t the strongest, and she occasionally had moments of lapse. But then the ground came up to meet her lovely bum for one long last time, as her back legs became paralysed. We hoped there might have been a positive way to keep her with us, using wheels and teaching her the Nala hop. Sadly, the beast was in her spine. A tumour that had taken its last disfigured move and the nerves to go with it. Thank you for being with us special lady, albeit as ever not for long enough. Run free now my beauty, let that Luna light shine bright xxxx 5.01.2018