Sometimes folks contacting us to take a pudding is all in the timing. Beatrice was just that! We had a small window a few weeks before our 10th birthday, with no puddings waiting to come in and although we were as full as we felt right at that moment this one just seemed right. “No name” was yet another regular abandonment. Sadly, the local SPA were full, and the local refuge Les Oublies de Saint Beart were full too. So, no choice, no drama, just another euthanasia due to a full house. Sad, very sad, but what else? Well, a lovely caring lady from the local refuge tried us. How could we let those ears down? And ten years old. She was born just as we launched Twilight. We thought it was meant to be. Her euthanasia was called off, and Beatrice joined us in August 2018.
We knew Darling Beatrice had a tummy tumour, probably why she was kicked out of home last August in the first place. Bit it wasn’t a problem for our girl. But, in her last six weeks she grew uncomfortably large, with clear discomfort. Several nasty tumours were attacking her intestines, and it was time to avoid major pain, and let our girlie go peacefully over the bridge. We loved your droopy eyes and ears, and your dribbling was just you. Love you precious, rest well now xxxx 6/3/20192018.