Hello to all indoors for the next 15 days, those not indoors but should be (!), and those working hard doing the essential jobs to help us all, and anyone we’ve forgotten. Wherever we are, in France or elsewhere in the world, we are all living in very difficult times. Many of us will be in lockdown, quarantine, self-isolation – call it what you will – and that goes for everyone at Team Twilight, too. Only essential trips out for food, doctors and the vets. For the Puds, life goes on as normal, of course, except they’ll miss their special friends and volunteers. It’s scary times, and the Puds want to do all they can to keep up their hooman friends’ spirits.
The 28th March was going to be the Puivert Special Spring Fayre and sometime in early April would have been a fayre at Twilight HQ. Well, it ain’t going to happen anytime soon in ‘real life’, with people. BUT, as always there are ways around these tricky situations, so over on the Twilight Facebook pages and groups we have launched a Virtual Spring Fayre and it will last for the 15 days of our French Lock Down. In uncertain times, it’s best to go with stuff you know about and can do. We can have a laugh, see the Puds, keep in touch with each other and support Twilight.
We realise that pennies are precious, but perhaps we could invest the coffee we haven’t had out, the saving on fuel not using the car and the odd meal out. We will offer some silly things to join in with: guessing, eating virtual cake, Pud quizzes. There will be a special raffle and winners will be noted and prizes sent as and when possible. For the local Puivert supporters there will be the World Famous Bottle Raffle and Debs will keep the prizes safe until you can all be together again. Plus, as new ideas come to mind that will keep us all entertained and add a little light relief to a stressful; situation, there will be much, much more.
So, hop over to Facebook. Follow our pages or ask to join the fundraising groups; you will be more than welcome. This is the “Bear Necessities” Fayre. Any donations will be going towards the daily needs of the Puds, no frills. In these difficult times, our animal friends, refuges and sanctuaries need us more than ever. Any donation, no matter how small, helps in the Puds daily care, and there are other ways to help too, if funds are tight – give our posts a like or even better a love, write a comment and share our posts with your friends and other groups. Sharing is caring xxx
Here are the links to our Facebook sites:
Twilight the retirement home for dogs – this is our main page; please give it a like if you have not already
Twilight Chiens Fundraising Group – you’ll need to request to join
Twilight Nala, Rock & Roo – a special page for our handicapable Puds
Team Puivert Fundraising for Twilight – you’ll find the virtual fayre here, and on any of the other pages and groups, too
Thank you for caring, love the Puds xxxx