Dear Molly arrived at Twilight in September 2017. She had already been rescued from the streets of Bulgaria and spent happy times with her lovely rescue mum there. Sadly, after many years this wonderful lady was faced with the closure of her rescue and rehoming of her rescue pups as ill-health forced her to return to the UK. She did wonders in Bulgaria, and made a mighty difference. It is at times like this, when our fellow rescuers help, that we must step up and help. And so Twilight offered to take sweet little Molly, one of the oldest members of the team. We feel such sympathy for the rescuer concerned. She has done everything to ensure her rescue family have all found homes, almost certainly at the cost of her health.
Our supporters Krissie and Fran collected her from Calais. She had a fabulous weekend with Krissie and Fran, even being taken to the beach, what a delicious welcome to France. Molly settled into Twilight life, a little timid at first but quickly making comfy chair in the washroom her domain. Most of our photos of Molly show her snuggled in her chair, quietly watching the Twilight world go by, or taking a gentle walk around the garden.
Molly had a few problems that oldies suffer – a little teeth clean was needed and she had meds for her heart. But the little princess was happy in her world and was a sweet member of the Pudding Pack. Sadly, at the end of June we had to say goodnight to Molly. It is always sad to lose a gentle friend, but she knew love after a life on the streets of Bulgaria. Sweet dreams dear Molly. In Leeanne’s words:
Sweet Molly, what a poppit you have been. You were timid and then you blossomed. The wash room with your throne of a chair, your grumpy barks, your strong willed ways. We have loved you. Nearly 17, your poor body did so well, and whilst years on heart pills, it was your hips that gave out on you in the end. We miss those big beautiful eyes, and that wagging tail wanting cuddles and a fuss. Be free now my little lovely, whatever language you speak over the bridge, let your singing be heard.
Darling Precious, peace at last

Dear Precious had a roller coaster of a time. Dumped at Tarbes SPA, where Les Amis took on her plight. About 13 years old and given the size of her poor teats she had been a mum many times. Thank you dear Terry and chum David for collecting her, with Les Amis’ Louise meeting them halfway. A precious girlie, very sensitive, but loved meeting her new chums. Named by our wonderful Facebook fans following a little fun vote as Precious.
We loved her before she even arrived. She settled well, but she arrived with kennel cough and it had clearly taken its toll the first time, so when she re-infected we were concerned. Also, we were trying to feed her up so she could be strong enough to have that poor uterus removed that was just breaking up and rotting inside her.
We have learnt a lot with this kennel cough. The grim airborne virus is bad enough, but the lesions it leaves are a quiet ticking bomb for the weak. For darling Precious, it was a time bomb that exploded over her last few days. No coughing, just weak, nauseous, nothing to put your specific finger on. Then the signs, temperature and a small swollen area high in the neck. The magic injections give false hope, but we know, we see it time and time again here. So naughty foods were the order of the day for 36 hours, yums galore and love like no other.

But, sadly her eyes, her energy – we knew. Daddy gave his special love and rainbow passing hug. The vets, of all the days the busiest Saturday. Ten people in front, but someone picks up our quiet plight and announces we will go next – so grateful. The vet was just lovely. He had so much pressure outside his room. But he was there just for Precious. She passed, now free. No more being used and abused as a damn puppy mum. No more pain. No more of anything that humans or nature can inflict. Be free our beautiful and very precious Precious.
We thank you for coming to us, we thank Les Amis for trusting you with us, we are just sad, as ever, we didn’t meet you sooner. Thank you beautiful girl for being you xxx