Love is a word that is almost synonymous with Twilight. In fact, just looking at the manuscript of our Twilight biography Paws Before Bedtime, ‘love’ crops up 210 times! Whether in relation to the love that Mike and Leeanne have for the Puddings, the love that they share with friends and supporters or the love that the dogs give back – in bucket loads – to each other, to Mummy and Daddy Twilight and to everyone they meet. In fact, to quote from Paws …
The story of Twilight is a love story. The love that two special people, Leeanne and Mike Whitley, have for each other, and that they share with the dogs that pass through their doors.
And love is all around. There are lots of special friendships at Twilight, like the mother and daughter pair, Appy and Cannelle, the incorrigible rogues, Bear and Dobbie, or our newest pair of chums, Petra and Pearl.
This Valentine’s ‘Buy a Pud a heart’
Thursday 14 February is Valentine’s Day and over on the Twilight Facebook pages we’re running a very special “Buy a Pud a heart” fundraising campaign. For a donation of just two euros, we’ll make just for you a photo of your favourite Pudding, complete with a Valentine heart. You can keep it for yourself, post it on your page, send it to a friend (or a secret admirer!) or dedicate it to your own furbaby. Just find us on Facebook, or ask to join the special Twilight Fundraising Group
You can support Twilight on Valentine’s day with a donation by PayPal (family & friends, if possible) to
For a dog, Twilight is all about having the best of life to the very moment of crossing the Rainbow Bridge, ensuring that a dog’s last memory is of being loved.