Little Scooby Doo arrived at Twilight in June 2016 following a plea from one of Twilight’s supporters and a great friend in the dog rescue world, Kate. There was a sad story of neglect, with many dogs left alone in a house. Sadly, not all made it out.
Scooby was a little teckel, and when he arrived Chez Twilight he was 14 years old, severely under-weight and with many battle scars. The little poppit was wary, keen for attention, and jolly hungry. You can see from his first photos that his little ribs were visible, but after just a few weeks of the full Twilight loving treatment Scoobs started to put on weight and settled down to life with the Puddings.
After a few years, lucky Scooby went to live with another loyal Twilight supporter Rowena, who fell in love with the dear little sausage. He joined little Norman, another Twilight outreach dog living with the family. What a fabulous time he had there, as you can see in this gorgeous photo of him basking in the sun on the doorstep.
Sadly, little Scooby recently passed over the rainbow bridge at the grand old age of eighteen. His outreach mum, Rowena shared some lovely memories of Uncle Scooby who is much missed.
He was very much the uncle they all love but he wouldn’t take any nonsense. He was incredible with the two litters of orphan pups we had; he would tolerate so much then do what a mum normally would have done – tell them off when they got too rough. He loved lying by the fire in the winter and sitting between my feet on the big footstool in the evening. In the summer he would sleep on a sun bed under in the shade when I was in the pool and in what we called his Scooby mansion, a little wooden house Rog made for him on the terrace. The dementia came on quickly and he was only ill for a few days before the decision had to be made. After what happened we always struggled to leave him when we went out, as he never got used to the fact we were coming back.
Uncle Scooby caring for the pups
Uncle Scooby loved to bite the odd person … Abandoned in a house with other dogs to die of thirst, he was one of the survivors. For this, he was excused the odd bite. He spent time at Twilight then the draw of the little sausage was too much and Leeanne let us foster him. I hope we gave him as much as he gave us. At least he ended his days knowing we were there and he was loved. Wherever you are, bite the b&stards my darling. Xxx
Outreach is such an important part of Twilight’s work, as it enables us to take in more needy Puddings and allows our outreach dogs to enjoy life in a smaller family. We are extremely grateful to our outreach volunteers like Rowena and her husband who provide such wonderful loving care for our oldies.