Remembering friends passed

Once the clocks go back and the dying embers of summer start to fade our thoughts turn to our next fundraising event – Toussaint. This year All Souls Day is celebrated on Sunday 1 November. It’s an important French fete day, one marked by families visiting the graves of their relatives to place chrysanthemums and getting together to share memories. No doubt this year will be difficult for many, what with covid, social distancing, curfews and lockdowns. Many of us will be touched by these events. Maybe we know someone who has been ill, maybe we’ve lost dear friends or we’ve not been able to meet up with family and friends to offer support in times of difficulty. Here at Twilight it’s been a difficult year. We’ve lost several of our supporters, including dear Iris one of our outreach mummies. Some of our beloved Puddings have also gone ‘over the rainbow bridge’ and we’ll remember them all next week.

For the last seven years the Twilight Toussaint Candles has been a special event on our fundraising calendar and this year is no exception. On the Twilight Facebook Groups and Pages supporters can buy a candle to remember their lovely four-legged friends who have passed over the Rainbow Bridge, or dearly missed human friends and relatives. On the eve of Toussaint, our fantastic volunteer Linda prepares a beautiful display at her home, which is photographed and posted on the sites. Every year the number of candles grows – how many will it be this year? It’s not too late to join in, simply send us a donation via PayPal with the name you would like to remember. It’s €5 for small candle and €10 for a large.

In memory of Sue Ball

When people are touched by grief and tragedy we marvel that there is still time for them to remember Twilight and the Puddings. This year we’ve received memorial donations from Tony in memory of Linda, and more recently we had a very special visit from Steve Ball and friend to both Sue and Steve, Jill. Here’s Leeanne’s account of their visit:

When our loved ones die it is heartbreaking enough, but how to allow friends to acknowledge and celebrate that person’s life is a difficult choice. Jill set up a Just Giving page to remember Sue, only 50, and perhaps known to many in our area of France as the Chez Fromage lady. Steve knew he wanted a bench in their local town to remember her by, with both carpenter and welder donating time to make this special keepsake. But also, as Sue’s favourite local charity was supporting the puddings, Steve wanted to acknowledge this love in Sue’s memory.

Today,  very bravely we felt, Steve came and visited Twilight with Jill, making time to meet all the puds, with cuddles and much love. We talked about how we might keep Sue’s name and memory alive here, and help the puddings with something bright and fun. I will write more of this project later but for now we just want to acknowledge Sue Ball, a loving and caring member of our AngloFrench extended community. In your memory Sue, there will be a special living and active memorial, we thank all your friends from around the world for donating a mighty €1500.