The Twilight blog has been running for nearly four years and this week we’ve reached the milestone of 100 posts! This week also sees the birthday of a very special person ~ Daddy Twilight. So, we say a big “Happy Birthday” to Mike and our present in this post is a celebration of some of Mike’s special Puds.
Queenie was a twelve-year-old white galgos-type dog. She came from a refuge in Spain where she had lived all her life. She had been born in the refuge, so the only surface she ever knew under her feet was concrete. When she arrived she did not want to know humans, and she did not want to know the other dogs. She was certainly one of the most timid dogs that Twilight had ever rescued. After a while, it was safe to leave her wandering around and she made a den for herself in a patch of nettles on the far side of the garden. She burrowed a tunnel through the undergrowth to get into her nest, and stayed there throughout the day. The only way Mike could feed her was to put food in a bowl, lie down on the ground and quietly push it towards her. Gradually, she started to emerge from her den: first, she would come in at night for food, then she allowed herself to be put on a lead. In incremental steps, she began to explore the garden. Within four months she acted as if she were one of the pack, as if she had always lived at Twilight. She no longer held fear and was able to enjoy the freedom she had been given.
“Physically she was absolutely beautiful. I loved her size, her shape, her looks, her eyes. She had the temperament of a saint. Constant love – it was all she gave, and asked for little in return. She was a good friend, we would sit outside and chat, and she would put her head on one side and look deep into my eyes. It broke my heart when she went.” Just as well Mike is talking about a dog here, or Leeanne would have words to say! Jokingly known as Daddy Twilight’s ‘other woman’, Pearl was a beautiful white setter, delicate and needy. She had been found tied to a tree, so starved and skinny that she was close to death. It took a little while for Pearl to regain her confidence and settle, but she showed just how forgiving a rescued dog can be. In the eighteen months she was with Twilight, Pearl developed an incredible relationship with Mike. She had a special look, reserved just for him. Pearl died of cancer; she was uncomplaining and so the disease was not diagnosed until it was quite advanced. She will always have a special place in Mike’s heart.
Dear Teddy had already spent five years at the SPA Sainte before he arrived at Twilight. He had been rescued from severe maltreatment. It took many weeks for him to trust daddy. Men were not top of his love list. But goodness, when he did, they were inseparable. What a love you shared. What a depth they both felt. A bond beyond.
Dear precious Teddy, not only the heart of Twilight but in the hearts of so many Twilight supporters. Shy, fearful , but so loving once he got to know you, Teddy was a firm favourite with all who met him. But, more than anything, he was the apple of his dad’s eye. Often to be found on Mike’s lap, or curled up beside him, Teddy kept Mike company during illness, and even visited his dad in hospital. It was a very sad day for us all when Teddy’s time came, at just short of eighteen years old, to pass over the rainbow bridge.