from Leeanne
What a year for each and every one of us. With or without COVID-19, we have each mourned personal loses of family and friends, and perhaps liberty and self. Each of our lives is relative and no one burden or sadness greater than another’s. We have seen the world is a small place, that we do depend on each other, but sadly, in my personal opinion, it seems even a modern plague does not stop wars and anti-life sharing behaviour. So it can only be my very own thoughts, close to home and minute in this world.
I say thank you. That, although I mourn, some personal very precious loses of human souls, I am gifted with a memory of love and heart-warming moments. That my Michael less able and his world much smaller is still alive and we can continue to grow as a couple, make memories, and feel the strength of love. And that love gives us the Hope, the light, the energy and abilities needed to keep our puddings safe and with their needs.
This year my heart has sung as I have held a street dog pudding finally relax in my arms; that trust is beyond any sight, the feeling is pure. My soul has wept as I have held an incoming pud whose life has been so small, so dark and so alone; they cling so tight they fear whatever you bring them is going to go black again.
My back aches with the bending for those whose legs I have become. My stomach rarely turns at the nappies when changing, for the light of joy in the puds’ eyes of being clean and cared for makes for those moments. I can be a little frayed as I finally sit late in the eve but old Fifi decides that very moment to wonder in to blind Holly’s bed … a mini fracas … but it needs mummy. Or when Rock decides we should all sing a howling song … at the very last minutes of a film! That Stefie’s dressings come loose just as dinner is ready or Ben needs help to pass by Agneta, and only mummy can be the traffic warden. Darling Gabana has a fit, thank goodness daddy can still hold her tight and calm her fear, that daddy’s lap is still wide enough for hugs and love and stories and sleeps.
We have lost many puddings to the rainbow bridge this year … the very essence of Twilight really … that they came to be able to pass in their own time, in comfort and peace, and with all they needed to let go with love. We celebrate each and every one of them. Just as we acknowledge and applaud each volunteer involved in animal rescue, be it hands on or fundraising. The Twilight team, a family that really is everything.
We are but a small part in a world, doing the tiniest to make a few pudding lives better. I ask only of each of you, that you never lose the faith. The tiniest step, the most caring deed … it all adds up. That drop of water that helps make the ocean … your input …. carer, supporter, fundraiser, volunteer, donator, …. each make that animal’s life whole.
How blessed we are. Let us look to 2021 to grow together, each take our part, and all keep very safe.