A year of so much unease of the world. A year where I fear we have put the world into a further backwards step and so much negativity that is feeding itself now. Where light is needed more than ever. But if you chose to, in this world where you can do anything, be kind, it comes back to you tenfold. Where colour and beauty of nature stood out. Where love really can win forth, and where in your own little bubble the people around you are exceptional in so many ways, and sadness can be turned around. In the land of puddings, the rescue friends who fill it, and the support is magical. This year has been a very blessed one.
Twenty-four of the puds either here at home or outreach that started this year with us are still with us. Sixty-two in total have been part of Twilight life this year. Of these, sadly 14 crossed over the rainbow bridge, but will forever be a part of our lives. Six delicious puds were lucky enough to be rehomed, two to Germany, three here in France and one to Uk. Nineteen of the puddings live in fabulous outreach families that Twilight support with any of their needs.
The puds have come through all the circumstances you might imagine, disowned, bereaved, war, broken, sick, or maltreated. Each and every pudding is welcomed with all the love we have, and thanks to the support and care of our amazing followers, fellow associations and sometimes just passers by. We are able to sustain the highest level of veterinary care, food supply, comfort and love that each and every pud deserves and needs. Our friends, also volunteers give of their time and energy. Never in either Mike or my life have we felt so blessed by the bubble we live in. Never have we learnt so much every day. Never felt so privileged.
As we move into 2023, we head towards our 15th anniversary. Now over 402 doggies have joined the pudding family tree. I might be mummy Twilight, but I couldn’t have done any of this without Mike, the greatest husband, friend,and daddy to each of these puds. We couldn’t have done it without the volunteers, our fellow associations and all the supporters. Rescue is a world created through sadness, but it is a world that shines. A world that gives back more than you could ever imagine. To be a small part of this world is the greatest gift and one we treasure. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we didn’t have to be here. But all the while we are needed and have your support, we shall do all we can. Thank you for each and every one of you.
May 2023 be a year where we each lift our neighbours spirits, acknowledging that we are all climbing our own mountains in different ways with different hardships, that the negativity of the world energy can be changed if we each light our own candle and believe in good. We are in this together and we thank you and love you all.